For Durable Forklift Extension Slippers in Australia - Adelaide - General for sale, Adelaide - 3156361


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For Durable Forklift Extension Slippers in Australia - General for sale

Ref. number: 3156361 Updated: 16-07-2024 17:44

Offering: General for sale in Australia, Adelaide

Active Lifting is here with the industry’s most durable Forklift extension slipper in Australia that is designed to be highly strong and efficient. When you have lift trucks and handle many loads throughout the day, these forklift extension slippers can be a time saver as you don’t have to change the forks frequently. Besides, these slippers can let you handle larger than normal loads without many issues. Our extension slippers meet the AS 23 59.15 standards and come with locking pins. To prevent rust, these are coated with zinc. The best thing is that these slippers can be designed to support up to 16-tone load capacity. Visit us:

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First name: Active Lifting
Last name: Equipment
Phone number: 0883591241
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