Opportunity to obtain a complete encyclpodia of natural remedies entailing mostly the healing properties of plants applied to a detailed list of ailments. It stands to reason that if we were created, then the Creator would have also made both the foods for nutrition and those for healing possible conditions. The science of natural remedies has developed alongside that of he pharmaceuticals, & over recent years has been proven statistically in case studies. As the pharmaceutical industry uses medicinal drugs, natural medicine uses plant foods. The former by definition are designed to kill the infection before you (ie. variable degree of toxicity), as plant remedies usually are non toxic & nutritious, & although these can also be toxic, this is generally less in number & degree. Where there is doubt a medical professional should always be consulted, & medicinal drugs that work should always be continued, however natural remedies should also be explored. Both sides have the same goal, so it's good also to have both sides of the story in your quest for maintaining good health, & improving to a better condition. In your quest, the effectiveness & risks of treatments, & their effects on your future quality of life should always be evaluated. Often though for restoring, natural remedies where pharmaceuticals backup. See my link for details & downloads.